Face to face
to shuttle

Barclaydevere Family Mediation
offers flexible, safe and proven
family mediation for couples

Face to face to shuttle mediation – It's your mediation

We acknowledge that every relationship is unique.

This is why at Barclaydevere we aspire to offer you the mediation that’s best suited to you.

Rest assured you are provided with a confidential, neutral and safe environment where you communicate through a qualified mediator.

Benefits Of Mediation

Results that last


Our dedicated experts strive to help you resolve disputes pertaining to family, children and financial affairs and provide you an alternative to a lengthy, expensive court battle.

Finding Solutions

An impartial mediator will facilitate the process and help the disputing parties reach a resolution quickly. Disputing parties can communicate to one another honestly, benefiting in a satisfactory resolution whereby the relationship between the parties is generally enhanced, and can be seen to evolve towards a sustainable lasting relationship.

Shuttle Mediation

In some cases seeing your ex partner even online for mediation is not possible or desirable for some people. Instead, "shuttle" mediation will be more helpful. In cases where past domestic violence or some form of physical or mental abuse has lead to emotional trauma the option of having a "go-between" mediator could prove more beneficial.

Voluntary Process

If a resolution can be made without facing court, the benefits both financially and emotionally are considerably higher. The clients have control right throughout the process and can decide the final outcome. Either party can withdraw at anytime as the process is voluntary.

What Our Clients Say
Why Barclaydevere Is The Best Choice

We appreciate that any family upheaval, such as a divorce, separation or partnership breakdown, can be extremely traumatic for everyone concerned. This can be especially pronounced when children are involved particularly when the dispute concerns custody or access rights.

It is necessary still for martial separation or a divorce to be made legally binding through the court process. However mediation has proved to be an efficient and effective way of settling many of the related issues that evolve. This may involve a dispute over the distribution of property, financial matters, over the arrangements for children or even who should have custody of a family pet.

Barclay DeVere endeavours to provide a safe, secure forum whenever children are involved that allows free-flowing, open discussion that encourages children to feel comfortable discussing their concerns without pressure from either parent.


Barclaydevere stands out as a premier choice for family mediation due to its commitment to providing a confidential, neutral, and child-focused environment. Whether you’re facing challenges with child access, financial disputes, or divorce-related issues, Barclaydevere’s experienced mediators work diligently to help you reach mutually agreeable solutions without the stress and expense of court proceedings. Their flexible scheduling, including online and weekend sessions, ensures that mediation is accessible and convenient for all parties involved. By fostering open communication and understanding, Barclaydevere helps preserve relationships and achieve lasting resolutions.



Confidentiality: Discussions remain private and are not disclosed in court.

Neutrality: Mediators are impartial and do not take sides.

Child-focused: Prioritises the well-being and needs of children.

Cost-effective: Generally less expensive than court proceedings.

Time-saving: Typically faster than going through the legal system.

Flexible scheduling: Sessions can be arranged to suit all parties.

Preserves relationships: Encourages cooperation and communication.

Voluntary: Participation is by choice, fostering a collaborative atmosphere.