Family Mediation Aylesbury

Barclay DeVere Family Mediation Aylesbury– cost effective, fast way to deal with children, finance, property and pensions

Family Mediation Swind

Family Mediation Aylesbury

Satellite Office – Barclays House

Gatehouse Way
Buckinghamshire – HP19 8DB

Walk ins are NOT available. –  Sessions STRICTLY by appointment only

Benefits Of Family Mediation Aylesbury

Family Mediation Aylesbury Services

In cases involving family mediation, the old adages “time is money” and “timing is everything” take on a renewed truthfulness.

In mediation, the length of the entire proceedings as well as the final agreement’s success can be dependent on critical issues involving timing. Some of them are literal timing concerns – like the meeting time for the mediation sessions. Others, however, may involve the speed at which one individual wants to move the mediation versus the other party.

This strategy should also be applied to any relatively recent family issue such as a divorce. All this is a result of non- communication. When people go on without communicating with each other for long intervals it gives rise to doubts and suspicions which lead to bonds getting weaker within the family.

Barclay DeVere Family Mediation Aylesbury - the local choice

If the parties involved do not wish to proceed with mediation then the mediator will issue a form FM1. 

This form is to be taken to court and presented either by means of a solicitor or self representation. Court proceedings will then proceed.

One thing when it comes to divorce is the process comes with a lot of stress for the entire family. However, choosing to have a mediator to help you come up with the best solution that will leave all the members comfortable can reduce the stress levels. 

The mediators are very discrete people and you can rest assured that the details about your divorce are kept confidential.
The parents are the ones who agree on whether to choose this method of settling their issues. This is one of the best methods since it is cheaper and less-traumatising compared to court divorces.

Since the process is peaceful, afterwards parents can keep on living peacefully as co-parents. In most cases, the process happens in a common room where both parties are in together with the mediator. 

Therefore, the final decision comes after the couple come into an agreement.

It is also the best method since it reduces the tension and psychological torture to the children. As for the financial issues, the mediator helps the parents come into a conclusion that will ensure the children are well-catered for at all times.

Mediation Information Assessment Meeting (MIAMS)

After a while, members end up arguing and fighting over family matters which lead to dispute.

This is where our mediators come into play. Family mediators are people who work at the family mediation centre and provide services to families that are dealing with sensitive issues like disputes over property, custody of a child or elderly care.

The bulk of the charges that will burden the spouse are directly related to the time taken in the divorce process.

As solicitors make up billable hours, the fees will increase.

A further complication is where the parties involved cannot agree on the share of the aforementioned equity.

Deciding the fate of children becomes easier due to their involvement in the mediation process As time lapses accumulating legal fees can rapidly skyrocket, making beneficiaries of your wealth lawyers representing you in court. 

Mediation saves you money because you are taking control of the process and decision making.

If you are considering family mediation Aylesbury, Barclay Devere is a perfect choice.

Mediation Information and Assessment Meetings (MIAMS) are a government introduced procedure to assist with court orders and custody proceedings after a breakdown in a relationship.

Family disputes and changes in financial situations can arise and mediation is used to assist with any family disputes without the need to always attend a court hearing. Both parties involved attend a meeting with Barclay DeVere family mediation service.

This procedure is not suitable for all parties especially if domestic abuse, bankruptcy or child protection issues are involved. If both parties involved wish to proceed with mediation then further meeting will be held until the dispute is solved.