Barclay Devere
Education Mediation

For all Financial and
children related family disputes

Trusted Mediators For Education Mediation

 We provide family members in the UK family mediation services. 

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The Benefits of Mediation in Resolving Education Disputes about Your Child

As a parent, it can be challenging to navigate the education system when you have concerns or disagreements about your child’s education. In such situations, it is essential to find a constructive way to address these concerns and work towards a solution that benefits your child’s education.

One option that can be very helpful in resolving schooling disputes is mediation. Mediation is a process where an impartial third-party mediator facilitates communication between the parties involved in the dispute. The goal of mediation is to help the parties reach a mutually acceptable resolution to their conflict.

At Barclay Devere, we specialize in providing mediation services for education disputes. Our team of experienced mediators understands the complexities involved in schooling disputes and works closely with parents, schools, and other stakeholders to find effective solutions.

Mediation for Educational Disputes


Here are some of the benefits of using Barclay Devere mediation to resolve education disputes about your child:

Neutral Third-Party Facilitation

Mediation offers a neutral third-party facilitation that can help parties avoid escalating arguments and focus on finding solutions. Our mediators at Barclay Devere are experts in managing disputes, and they bring a wealth of experience to each session. They can help identify common ground, encourage constructive dialogue, and facilitate collaborative problem-solving.


Mediation offers confidentiality, which means that the discussions that take place during the mediation sessions are private. This can help participants feel more comfortable sharing their concerns and working collaboratively without fear of judgment or retaliation.


Mediation is a cost-effective alternative to litigation. It can help parties save time and money by avoiding costly legal fees and lengthy court proceedings. At Barclay Devere, we offer competitive rates for our mediation services, and we work with parents and schools to find a solution that meets their budget.


Mediation empowers participants to take control of the dispute resolution process. Parties have the opportunity to express their concerns, share their perspectives, and work collaboratively towards finding solutions. Mediation helps parents and schools build a better understanding of each other’s needs and priorities, which can lead to longer-term benefits for the child’s education.

Customized Solutions

Mediation offers customized solutions that meet the unique needs of the parties involved. Our mediators at Barclay Devere work with parents and schools to develop creative and effective solutions that work for everyone. Mediation encourages participants to think outside the box and explore new ideas that may not have been possible through traditional dispute resolution methods.

How Barclay Devere Mediation can help

Mediation is an effective way to resolve education disputes about your child. It offers a neutral third-party facilitation, confidentiality, cost-effectiveness, empowerment, and customized solutions.

At Barclay Devere, we are committed to helping parents and schools find constructive ways to address their schooling disputes and work collaboratively towards a solution that benefits the child’s education. Contact us today to learn more about our mediation services.

Why You Need Family Mediation?

There are several educational disputes that may require mediation to resolve. Here are some examples:

  1. Special Education Disputes: Parents and schools may disagree on the nature and extent of the special education services that a child requires. This can include disputes over the child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP), placement, or the type and level of support services.

  2. Discipline Disputes: Parents and schools may disagree on the appropriate disciplinary action for a student. This can include disputes over suspensions, expulsions, or alternative forms of discipline.

  3. Bullying and Harassment Disputes: Parents and schools may disagree on the extent and impact of bullying or harassment incidents involving a student. This can include disputes over whether appropriate action was taken to address the situation.

  4. Attendance and Truancy Disputes: Parents and schools may disagree on the reasons for a student’s absenteeism or truancy. This can include disputes over the student’s health issues, transportation problems, or the school’s enforcement of attendance policies.

  5. Grade Disputes: Parents and schools may disagree on the accuracy or fairness of a student’s grades. This can include disputes over grading policies, individual assignment grades, or overall course grades.

  6. School Placement Disputes: Parents and schools may disagree on the appropriate school placement for a student. This can include disputes over whether a student should attend a traditional public school, charter school, private school, or be homeschooled.

These are just a few examples of the educational disputes that may require mediation. Mediation can help parents and schools work together to develop solutions that benefit the child’s education and overall well-being.