Can I bring someone to mediation with me?


Can I Bring a Companion or Interpreter to Mediation? | Barclay Devere

It is a process that aims to resolve disputes amicably between parties.  It can be an effective alternative to going to court, but it can also be an emotional and stressful experience.

Therefore, it is understandable that you may want to bring a companion or an interpreter to mediation sessions. In this article, we will explain the rules and benefits of having a companion or interpreter in the session.

Can I Bring a Companion to Mediation?

Yes, you can bring a companion. The Civil Mediation Council (CMC) Code of Conduct states that parties can have a companion with them during the  process. The companion can be a friend, family member, legal representative, or anyone else who can support you during the  process. However, you should inform the mediator in advance if you intend to bring a companion.

Benefits of Bringing a Companion to Mediation

Emotional Support: It can be a daunting process, and having a companion can help you feel more comfortable and supported during the mediation sessions.

Taking Notes: Your companion can take notes during the  sessions, which can help you to remember important points that were discussed.

Legal Advice: If your companion is a legal representative, they can provide you with legal advice and help you understand the legal implications of the settlement options.

Brainstorming: Your companion can help you to brainstorm settlement options and provide you with new ideas and perspectives.

Calming Influence: If you become emotional or upset during the sessions, your companion can help to calm you down and refocus the discussion.

Can I Bring an Interpreter to Mediation?

Yes, you can bring an interpreter  if you require one. The mediator should ensure that the interpreter is impartial and can translate accurately. The interpreter should also adhere to the same confidentiality rules as the mediator and the parties involved in the mediation process. It is your responsibility to arrange and pay for the interpreter’s services.

Benefits of Having an Interpreter in Mediation

Better Communication: If English is not your first language, an interpreter can help you to communicate effectively with the mediator and the other party.

Accurate Translation: An interpreter can ensure that you understand the mediation process and the settlement options accurately.

Cultural Understanding: An interpreter can provide you with cultural insights and nuances that may affect the mediation process.

Legal Terminology: If you are not familiar with legal terminology in English, an interpreter can help you understand the legal implications of the settlement options.

Confidence: An interpreter can help you feel more confident and comfortable during the mediation sessions.

Bringing a companion or interpreter to mediation can provide you with emotional support, legal advice, accurate translation, and cultural understanding. However, you should inform the mediator in advance if you intend to bring a companion or interpreter.

It is essential to remember that the mediator is impartial and will not take sides or provide legal advice. If you require legal advice, you should consult a legal representative before or after the mediation process. Barclay Devere is an experienced legal firm that can provide you with the legal advice and representation you need. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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