Family Mediation Battersea

Are you in dispute with your ex partner? Barclaydevere are here to help - your local and trusted family dispute solution experts.

family mediation Battersea

Barclaydevere Family Mediation: Offering Shuttle Mediation Services

Couples facing relationship issues are often advised to opt for traditional mediation to resolve their conflicts. However, it is not always feasible for couples to engage in face-to-face communication due to hostile emotions, high conflict or complex issues.

In such cases, shuttle mediation is an effective alternative to traditional mediation. Barclaydevere Family Mediation Battersea offers shuttle mediation services to couples, aiming to help them reach a satisfactory resolution without having to engage in direct communication.

Understanding Shuttle Mediation

Shuttle Mediation is a type of mediation where the mediator acts as a go-between, communicating messages and offers between two parties who are unwilling or unable to engage in direct discussions. Shuttle Mediation aims to help people stuck in high-conflict situations communicate, make decisions and reach a resolution with the help of an experienced family mediator.

Shuttle mediation is usually suitable for high conflict, domestic abuse or situations with significant power imbalances. It can provide a helpful alternative for those who do not feel comfortable being in the same room as the other party.

How Barclaydevere Family Mediation can help with Shuttle Mediation?

Barclaydevere Family Mediation offers Shuttle Mediation services through experienced and qualified mediators who can help couples achieve consensus through their specialised communication skills.

At Barclaydevere Family Mediation Battersea, we acknowledge that relationships are important, and issues can arise in even the best of relationships. Our team is aware that parents’ priority is to protect their children while navigating challenging times. Therefore, we aim to make the mediation process as comfortable as possible.

Shuttle mediation is a confidential, non-binding process that allows both parties to have their voices heard without the other person present. Arrangements for shuttle mediation are made with each party and are held in a private session. Our mediators have successfully helped dozens of couples reach fair, mutually agreeable solutions for their relationship problems.

The mediation process is voluntary and takes place in a relaxed and neutral environment. Our mediators remain impartial throughout the whole process and do not make decisions on behalf of either party.

Benefits of using Shuttle Mediation at Barclaydevere Family Mediation Battersea

Our specialised Shuttle Mediation techniques provide various benefits for couples, including:


One of the significant advantages of shuttle mediation is the privacy it offers. Because parties are seen separately, the information exchanged remains confidential.

Reduced stress

Arranging to meet your ex-partner to achieve a resolution can be stressful, and it is not always possible for couples experiencing high conflict or abusive relationships. Using shuttle mediation, our mediators can help reduce stress by ensuring that each party is seen separately.


The Shuttle mediation process allows both parties to have a say in decision making, unlike traditional mediation where decisions are made jointly.

Reduced Legal costs

Because shuttle mediation is a less formal process, it is often less expensive than traditional mediation.

Contact Family Mediation Battersea

Barclaydevere Family Mediation provides an effective alternative to traditional couples mediation for those couples who struggle to communicate in a face-to-face setting. Offering Shuttle Mediation, our experienced and qualified mediators can help couples achieve consensus and find solutions that work for them. If you need help with conflict resolution, contact us at Barclaydevere Family Mediation Battersea today, and we’ll be happy to assist you.