Barclaydevere Family Mediation, is dedicated to helping families resolve disputes amicably and efficiently. One area where we can help is with child maintenance during higher education. When a child goes to university or college, there may be disagreements between parents about how to pay for their education and other expenses. Here’s how we can help:
Understanding Child Maintenance
Before we can discuss how we can help with child maintenance during higher education, it’s important to understand what child maintenance means. Child maintenance is the financial support a parent provides for their child. This can include food, housing, clothing, education, and other necessary expenses.
Higher Education
When a child goes to university, college or any other form of higher education, this can cause some confusion as negotiations with the other parent around paying for the degree and any other living expenses is necessary. This is where Barclaydevere Family Mediation comes in.
Bringing Parents Together
Barclaydevere Family Mediation Bognor Regis helps bring both parents together to discuss and find a mutually agreeable plan on how to pay for the educational expenses of the child. Mediation is an opportunity for both parents to express their views and come to an agreement that satisfies both parties.
One of the main benefits of mediation is that it helps parents avoid court proceedings. This can help save time, stress, and money. Mediation is also a confidential and private process. The discussions that take place during mediation can never be repeated outside of the mediation session.
Barclaydevere Family Mediation is committed to ensuring that the best interests of the child are always at the forefront of these negotiations. Our trained mediators will work with both parents to come up with a support plan that meets the needs of the child while being affordable for both parents.
Moving Forward
Once both parents have reached an agreement in mediation, it’s important to create a written agreement that outlines the terms of the arrangement including who will pay for living expenses, textbooks, and other educational expenses. This written agreement can be used as evidence in court if necessary which ensures that the agreement reached during mediation is legally binding.
At Barclaydevere Family Mediation Bognor Regis, we understand how challenging it can be to navigate disagreements around child maintenance during higher education. Our experienced and compassionate mediators can help parents come to an agreement that is fair, equitable and ensures the best interests of the child. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your family.