Divorce proceedings are never easy. Sorting out who gets what can be a long and emotionally draining process. One of the benefits of using mediation is being able to avoid going to court, which can be costly and time-consuming. When it comes to dividing assets, shuttle mediation is a great option to consider.
Barclaydevere Family Mediation is located in Croydon and offers shuttle mediation services to help you divide assets after a divorce. Let’s dive deeper into what shuttle mediation is and how it can benefit you!
At Barclaydevere Family Mediation, our experienced mediators are here to help you navigate the process of dividing assets during a divorce. Our shuttle mediation services makes this process as easy and stress-free as possible.
Our mediators are impartial and will help both parties to communicate their needs and come to a settlement that works for them both. During the shuttle mediation process, each party will meet separately with the mediator to discuss their goals for the mediation process, their concerns, and their ideal outcomes.
After discussing with both parties separately, the mediator will work with both parties to find a mutually agreeable settlement. Once a settlement is reached, the mediator will draft an agreement, which both parties will be required to review and sign.
Shuttle mediation is a type of mediation where the parties are in separate online rooms and the mediator goes between them to negotiate a settlement. This approach can be a good choice for couples who have a difficult time communicating with one another.
Shuttle mediation offers several benefits:
Barclaydevere Family Mediation has a team of highly experienced mediators who are committed to helping clients in Croydon and surrounding areas. Our mediators are able to work with you no matter how complex your situation is.
We understand how emotional and stressful the divorce process can be, and strive to make things as stress-free as possible for our clients. With shuttle mediation services, we can help you divide assets in a way that works for both parties.
Highly Experienced Mediators
All of our mediators are highly trained and experienced, so you can be confident in their abilities to help you reach a settlement. Our mediators are accredited by the Family Mediation Council and are highly knowledgeable.
Confidential and Impartial
Our mediators take a confidential and impartial approach to shuttle mediation. You can be sure that your personal information will be kept confidential throughout the process. Our mediators are here to help you and your former spouse settle your disputes impartially.
Competitive Pricing
We understand how difficult financial situations can be after a divorce. That’s why we offer competitive pricing for our services. Our shuttle mediation services are affordable and offer a more cost-effective solution than going to court.
If you live in Croydon and need help dividing your assets during a divorce, contact Barclaydevere Family Mediation today. We offer shuttle mediation services that can help you and your former spouse reach a settlement that works for both parties. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and find out how we can help you!