Family Mediation Chippenham

Barclaydevere are your #1 solution for family dispute resolution solution

family mediation chippenham

Selling and Dividing Property After Divorce: How BarclayDevere Family Mediation in Chippenham Can Help

Divorce is a challenging situation for everyone involved. One of the most critical and often contentious issues is the division of property. Conflict over property can cause delays, emotional tension, and significant financial consequences. That’s where Barclaydevere Family Mediation Chippenham comes in. Our team of experienced mediators can help you navigate the difficult process of selling and dividing property after divorce.

The Challenges of Selling and Dividing Property After Divorce

Dividing assets after divorce can be difficult. Several issues can arise, such as:

  • Unequal asset valuations
  • Disputes over who gets what property
  • Disagreements over sale price and timing
  • Disputes over who will pay for repairs and renovations
  • Long-standing emotional attachments to property
  • Legal and financial considerations

These issues often create significant strain on the two individuals, leading up to delays in resolving the issue or even taken to court.

How BarclayDevere Family Mediation Can Help

Barclaydevere Family Mediation Chippenham is committed to helping couples work through property division disputes and come to a mutually beneficial agreement. Our mediators bring parties together in a neutral space, provide a structured process to work through disagreements in a respectful manner, and facilitate amicable resolution to any disputes.

1. A Neutral Environment

Our mediators provide a neutral space for discussion, which can promote an open and honest conversation to clarify decisions to resolve the issues raised regarding the property division.

2. Structured Mediation Process

Our mediation process emphasizes transparency and collaboration, ensuring both individuals are fully involved in seeking a resolution. The mediation process can include a variety of strategies, including brainstorming ideas, reflecting on previous conversations, and creating a negotiation plan that both parties are happy with.

3. Amicable Resolution

Our mediators help couples reach an agreement that’s fair and equitable for both parties. This can result in a resolution that minimizes financial and emotional cost compared to taking the issue to court.

Understanding the Benefits of Mediation
  1. Mediation can decrease the possibility of court appearance: Mediation can resolve issues quickly and outside of court, saving you time, money, and stress.

  2. Mediation can produce more satisfactory results: Mediation allows both parties to have a say and come up with a resolution that is mutually beneficial rather than potentially unfavorable decision provided by the court.

  3. Mediation can boost communication and collaboration between couples: With more open communication and collaboration between couples to reach a resolution can lead to better outcomes as respect and honesty are at the forefront.

Barclaydevere Family Mediation Chippenham today

Divorce can be one of the most challenging experiences in an individual’s life, but Barclaydevere Family Mediation can help ease the burden of selling and dividing property after divorce. Our team of expert mediators are experienced in working through difficult property division issues, facilitating compromise and collaboration between both parties.

Contact us today to see how our team can help secure your future for brighter tomorrows.