
Divorce and Separation can be costly and drawn out. Mediation offers a peaceful and more cost effective way to find a solution to your disputes.

mediation Surrey

Mediation Surrey

Mediation has many advantages over legal action, which is why more and more people are choosing this option to resolve their disputes.. Mediation is able to help with child access disputes and financial agreements following a divorce or separation..

Mediation does not take place in a court and, so there is only you, your ex and your mediator taking part in the process. We offer mediation across the whole of the County including Guildford, Woking, Epsom Surrey.

Mediation takes place online in most cases and so you can take part anywhere and evening and weekends.

Benefits Of Mediation Surrey

Mediation Surrey Services

Family Mediation Surrey services provide a solution for families to resolve disputes in a cost effective and controlled manner that allows individuals to stay in control of the whole process.

During the mediation process professionally trained mediation experts provide impartial an view to assist negotiations, and also provide support, guidance and advice where required.

Family Mediation Surrey Locations
Parenting Family Mediation

No families are immune to disputes or troubles, and when this happens there are arrangements that have to be sorted for many couples. Most of the time, people take the matter to court in an attempt to settle things after separating but this is costly and issues for parents can get resolved but with little control from the individuals.

Mediation is perfect for sorting out financial and child matters

Children are often the centre disputes for many parents. For such matters, it is better to choose mediation over a court. The main reason is that a court case can be particularly stressful, especially for children as they have to be involved in all the hassle and have meetings normally with CAFCASS. With Barclaydevere Surrey if your disputes can be resolves during mediation, nobody has to to appear in court in front of judges and lawyers.

Overview of  Mediation Barclaydevere Surrey

Mediation can help settle disputes without having to resort to a court. We are fully trained and professional and, most importantly impartial. Mediators aim to find a solution to the issues around separation, finances and child access peacefully and without the need for court action.

Mediation Surrey Services
– There is less stress

The main benefit of mediation is that it is generally way less stressful than going to court. Legal action can result in  increased levels of stress and large ongoing costs. If you become involved in a court case it will be long , drawn out, invasive and expensive. You may have to answer all sorts of questions from judges and lawyers and still may find that the decisions made are out of your control.

All this pressure and uncertainty contributes to making people more stressed. Things are different with ourselves as all of the aforementioned inconveniences are very limited when they are not present at all.

– Parties have more influence on the outcome

When opting for the service, the parties have more influence on the outcome because they are the ones who make all the decision.

This is so because in court, the judge has the final word and everybody has to abide by the latter’s decision. Barclay Devere is here to help the parties reach an agreement that will suit every single one of them. In fact, each party comes up with propositions about the decisions to be made, and all of these are taken into consideration. Thus, the outcome is based on all the propositions, unlike in court where the judge chooses between one of the two parties.

– It is less costly

Going to court can be very expensive. A miam starts from just £99.00 .

Why mediation cheaper than court and solicitors

Sorting agreements out in court can be quite costly, especially when the case spreads over a long period. Opting for mediation is relatively cheap when compared to court fees, and this is due to many reasons. Firstly with Barclay Devere you do not have any court costs. Therefore, those are not included in his fee. Also, the system does not take as long as court cases. Another reason is that court cases require barristers whereas the parties usually speak for themselves.

It is also adequate for sorting out financial matters like the house or property. Court cases are expensive and resorting to them only results in even more financial losses. For such matters, it is hence more appropriate to turn to a mediator and sort things out quickly.

MIAM – why you have to mediate before going to court

MIAM stands for a Mediation Information & Assessment Meeting, and it simply is the first meeting that the parties will have with the mediator. The objective of MIAMS is to inform the involved parties about the way mediation work. After that, we will tell them if it is the right course of action for them, in addition to the cost and the number of sessions that will be required. In other words, MIAM is like an assessment meeting, where we inform the parties everything they need to know before the joint meetings start.

Face to face or shuttle mediation?

There are two ways in which the mediation procedures can be carried out. The first one is called face to face mediation, and this is when the hearing is done with both parties sitting in a single room. This is considered the best option, as the process is faster because the involved persons can respond instantly regarding whether or not the proposed arrangements are good for them.

The other option is called shuttle mediation.

In this one, the parties are placed in separate individual rooms and we go back and forth from one room to the other. This is more appropriate in situations where it would be preferable for family members not to see each other, for example, because of violent precedents.

The benefits of choosing our mediation organisation Surrey

Barclaydevere is one of the best firms for mediation that Surrey residents can choose. We are ready to go the extra mile to make sure that each our clients find a convenient solution to all their family problems. For example, with Barclaydevere, the sessions can be held even if one of the parties is not in town. It is still possible even if the latter is not in the country at all. Distance is not a barrier because we offer mediation via Skype .

We understand that people do not all have the same schedules, which means that  availability varies from one person to the other. Some people might be free during the day while others are working at that time. This is why we are very flexible with mediation session availability. It is not uncommon for us to offer clients mediation during the evening. This flexibility is not only limited to the time, but also the day as some people might not have any free time during weekdays at all.

We have made family mediation available during weekends and evening. This means that even if you are are unable to attend sessions during business hours due to work or family commitments we will still be able to offer you a mediation appointment that works for you. This means that everyone is able to take part in mediation without obstacle.

Barclaydevere mediators are trained to offer and listen to the concerns of each party and encourage those in dispute to reach a self-resolution to their differences that is most practical and acceptable to them.

At Barclaydevere we are sensitive to the needs of all participants. It is not our place to take sides or to cast judgements over the rights and wrongs of a dispute. Nevertheless we will ensure that the meetings are conducted sympathetically and with complete impartiality. Our aim is to help the participants to reach the most practicable solution to their dispute efficiently, effectively and with the minimum of stress.

Barclaydevere’s mediation services are available throughout the County of Surrey to provide an informal approach to dispute resolutions. The outcome is usually successful resulting in an acceptable agreement being reached between the parties involved without the need for costly court action. The Court process should only be used as a final solution when all other routes to resolve a dispute have failed. Barclaydevere offers online mediation and we are able to offer mediation services across the U.K.